What a day! Melissa and Alex finally had their dream come true! I feel so very blessed and honored to have been a part of such a special moment in their lives. The day was SPECTACULAR!! I wish I could have had my camera with me to capture every minute of it, but I was just as happy to be included in their wedding party. Of course, that didn't stop me from making my way around with the camera and capturin
g some beautiful memories.
The night before the wedding we stayed with the bride to be and helped tie up all the last minute details. Each of us had a few words of advice for the bride and with my camera always by my side, I was able to capture one of the girls sneaking off to write. Melissa is a big fan of vintage, so I added some details she would appreciate in the post-processing.
After months of preparation the nerves and anxiousness kicked in. We did everything we could think of to help calm our sweet Melly... Even left her a reminder with an inside joke.
She really could not even dream of a more perfect day. Thanks for all the great memories Mel!