Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"WaLk THiS wAy!"


This Sunday, April 19th @ 9:00 am, is the Annual AIDS Walk Miami!!  Be there to help the cause!  The Music Industry Finding a Cure has been hard at work putting together fundraisers and could use your help.  NO excuses ;)  If you can't make it, you can simply send an online donation to this website http://themusicindustry.kintera.org/.  

Here are a few snaps of the past events coordinated to help raise money that I was asked to photograph.  

Hope to see you all on Sunday!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

50 Years and Going Strong!

Last weekend I had the privilege of photographing Alfonso and Rosita's 50th Anniversary Party.  They are two of a kind and a wonderful couple.  Their family put together a nice surprise for the two of them and my sister in-law Melissa (http://meli365.blogspot.com/) was in charge of coordinating the event.  She not only did a great job of decorating, but also incorporated even the smallest details that represented Alfonso and Rosita.  

Here are a few of the details... 

The surprised faces.

The heartfelt speeches.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Casey J...

That's it!  18 more days and that name on the wall will officially be heard by those precious little baby ears. She will be the first little girl we get to shower with love in our group of friends. My dear friend Carla is on her third pregnancy and after two extra doses of rough and tough in the house, she's finally adding a touch of softness to the mix.  

To celebrate the long await of the first of our next generation of girlies, the girls showered the momma-to-be and baby Casey with a touch of femininity.  Everything turned out beautifully and momma couldn't have been happier. 

There were even some interesting games going on like this one... I don't even know how to explain. lol

The winner!!!

Can't wait to meet princess Casey!!