Monday, November 3, 2008

What a week!

I was planning to send a little Happy Halloween wish out to everyone before the day actually arrived, but I got caught up with some holiday festivities for Logan... Hope everyone enjoyed their sugar rush week/weekend.  I know I did!!

Our fall celebration was kicked off on Wednesday.  Melissa (my sister in-law) and I took Logan over to the pumpkin patch.  Not much was left to chose from, but we did have a good time chasing after Logan as he posed in a few of the picture spots the location had to offer.... 

Before we left, Logan found a pumpkin he wanted to take for his pumpkin carving...  It was a little heavy, but he insisted on lifting it on his own.  

Thursday we did some baking and pumpkin carving.  I had a lot going on in the kitchen that day, so it was a bit difficult for me to escape.  I did get take a few little shots though.    

And I was able to catch Alex (Logan's Godfather) goofing around for a sec.

Then came Halloween.  Logan's always wanting to fight his "Tio Oigo," so tio... This one's for you!

Here are a few of the happy trick or treaters.. 

Finally... Sunday... Oh Sunday.  I'll tell you this much.  It was a Sunday to remember!  After six.. Yes... you read right... SIX LOOOONG hours of waiting in line, we got our votes in!  Luckily... my in-laws were all there to keep things interesting.  

The past few days made for some fun times.  I hope you all feel the same.  Hopefully you all got your votes in.  If you haven't already, make sure you find the time tomorrow!!!  I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, in hopes that you won't have to wait even half as long as we did.  ;)


  1. Awesome... glad you guys got a chance to vote and that Halloween was a success! Those cupcakes were delicious looking! LOL... they were fun to decorate! ::wink wink:: Great spooky pumpkin picture too... tight work yo!

  2. Great pics Sashers! I had such a fun time doing all things halloween-y, but I must admit my FAVORITE activity was standing in the line to vote...can you sense my sarcasm, lol.
    Thanks for the fun times!

  3. great pic of the Logster in his costume and a kick ass pic of the pumpkin!!

  4. I think Logan has more muscles then tio now :)Such a cutie halloween costume. Hope to see you guys soon!!!
